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Catholic Songs 4 Kids

At Catholic Kids 101 we still receive emails asking about the original "Catholic Songs for Children" album. It was recorded in 1998 as a demo with piano and voices only. The full project with additional instruments was never produced because these simple songs just took off and went far and wide, originally through cassette tapes (you can ask Grandpa and Grandma about those.) We are now happy to share these music recordings with the hope that a new generation of "CK101" kids will listen to them with the "ear of the heart" and then sing them often to Jesus and Mother Mary!


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To Be A Saint!

To Be A Saint!

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Sweet Mary

Sweet Mary

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A Visit With Jesus

A Visit With Jesus

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The other Catholic musical CD for children we are often asked about is one that was produced in the year 2000 called "Sweet Mary." You can find the songs and prayers from the "Sweet Mary" CD on the previous page entitled "Take the Journey!"


We take this opportunity to remember our dear friend Kathy Dobbin who was the gifted piano player for our songs. Kathy was totally blind - she didn't even have eyeballs - and yet she saw what was most important clearly from her heart. She really loved Jesus and used her amazing gift of music for His glory alone. Kathy died from cancer on September 30, 2000, soon after we finished recording the "Sweet Mary" project. (September 30th was also the date that her favorite saint, Saint Therese, had died.)


One of the many memories we have of Kathy was a conversation where we were trying to describe to her an artistic music cover image that was actually quite ugly! Remember, she didn't have eye balls so she had no idea what even light looked like. It was the one and only time in all the years that we knew Kathy that she showed a little bit of frustration that she was blind. In that moment, one of her friends was inspired - perhaps by the Holy Spirit - to assure her, "Kathy, I think Jesus loves you so much that He never wanted you to ever see anything ugly. Do you realize that the very first thing that you will ever see is His face and after that, only Heaven?" 


"Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen."

"He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God!"
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