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My name is Danielle.

I’m in kindergarten. I live in Missouri and I love Jesus very much! I learned the most about Him from my Grandma Dandy.


I’ll tell you why I call her “Grandma Dandy."


All day long my Grandma Dandy talks to Jesus just like she talks to me. I'll show you what I mean. The other day, me and Grandma Dandy were sitting at her kitchen table and she was looking through her bills. She opened up one of the envelopes and found she had a refund check for $180! She said, “Well, that’s just fine and dandy! There You go again, Lord! I sure didn’t see that one coming!” Then she laughed real loud and held up her hand and shouted, "Thank You, Jesus!" 


Grandma Dandy is the happiest person I know!

Her favorite thing to say is, “Thank You, Jesus! Things are just fine and dandy!”


She says that so much that when I was just a little baby learning to talk, I just started to call her “Grandma Dandy.”

"Grandma Dandy, I love you!"

Grandma Dandy taught me a Morning Offering. We pray it together every morning:

My Morning Offering

(author unknown)


Good morning dear Jesus, my Savior!


Good morning dear Mary, my Queen!


Good morning dear Angels, bright sentinels,

of Jesus who dwells here unseen.


Dear Lord, I bring you red roses,

all wet with the dew of Your grace:

every thought, every word, every action;

and my heart I give for their vase.

This offering I make through Your Mother,

whose heart is so sinlessly white;

whiter than wings of the Angels,

who watched and prayed here all night.


One favor, dear Jesus, I ask You,

inflame my poor heart with Your love,

so while I toil in this valley,

my spirit may dwell far above.




"Jesus and Mary, I love you!"

My Grandma Dandy makes the best soup! I help her make it a lot. She showed me how to cut carrots and peppers. It was hard at first to learn but now I can do it really good. I still don’t know how to cut the potatoes. Grandma Dandy says that takes a little more practice.


Sometimes me and Grandma Dandy take the soup to sick people she knows. Everybody is always happy to see me and Grandma Dandy! She says we should always try and bring a little bright sunshine into people’s lives, especially when they aren’t feeling well.

Image by engin akyurt
Grandma Dandy says that chores like cooking and cleaning don't ever have to be boring. She says to do everything for the glory of God! All day long, you never know how you may be inspired. I thought you would like to see some the fun and tasty kitchen creations Grandma Dandy and I were inspired to make!
Four sweet toasts for kids in shape of chick, bear, rabbit and monkey, with strawberries,

My Grandma Dandy goes to a Church called Twelve Apostles Catholic Church. She taught me a poem about the Twelve Apostles. It helps me remember their names. Grandma Dandy knows lots of poems. She is always teaching me. I don’t know who wrote this one but I like it! It goes like this:


Jesus called them one by one

Peter, Andrew, James and John.

Then came Philip, Thomas too,

Matthew and Bartholomew.

James the one they called the less,

Simon, also Thaddeus.

Twelfth Apostle, Judas made,

Jesus was by him betrayed.

Grandma Dandy takes me to Church with her every Sunday morning. I love to go to Mass with Grandma Dandy! I love Father Matthias. I love the music. I love to look at all the beautiful things. But most of all I love Jesus looking like Bread! Grandma Dandy sometimes shakes her head and says she doesn’t understand how people can’t see Jesus in the little white Host. She says all you have to do is be real quiet and look at Him with the eyes of your heart THEN you’ll be able to see Him clear as day!


Grandma Dandy says that before you know it, I will be able to receive Jesus in the little white Host into my heart too. I can’t wait!

Sometimes Grandma Dandy takes me to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. I’m going to tell you a secret. I know Grandma Dandy won’t mind if I tell you. You are supposed to be real quiet when you make a visit with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. But when nobody else is there and it’s just me and Grandma Dandy sitting with Jesus, we sing our favorite song to Him. This is what me and Grandma Dandy sing to Jesus:


You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine! You make me happy when skies are grey!


You always know, Lord, how much I love You! Never take my Sunshine away!

Sign for the Blessed Sacrament

God bless you!


Love, your CK 101 friend,



"Never take my Sunshine away!"

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