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Child sitting at lake shore watching water lily flowers. Little girl holding pink lily flo

The flowers I will grow in “the garden of my heart” for Jesus today are:



I will grow them by striving for cleanliness!

"Dear Jesus, when You were a child like me, You must have kept Yourself clean and neat. I want to be clean and neat also! When my mom reminds me that it is time to take a bath and shampoo my hair, I won't argue or complain. I will take care to keep my clothes folded and hung up nicely. I will wash my hands before eating and brush my teeth without having to be told. Each time I do something that keeps me clean and neat, I will be growing fresh WATER LILY flowers in the 'garden of my heart' for You.


I hope You like my water lily flowers, Jesus! They can sometimes be kind of hard to grow."

Today's Scripture quote... try and memorize it!


"For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple."

1 Corinthians 3:17

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